Twitter 101
Twitter is a real-time microblog (140 character limit for each post), and is one of the most powerful social tools to track and scale your business and connect with individuals. Twitter is a strong tool to share bite-size information with other organizations, staff, businesses, and the community. Hashtags (#) were created specifically for communication on Twitter and are still used as the main way to categorize and find related conversations. It acts like a highlighter for words and phrases, like a mini search engine focusing in on content.
#Yourcompany will be #Tweeting its #SuccessStories in no time (note there are no spaces in a hashtag, and it does not really matter about upper and lowercase letters).
Twitter is available on both mobile and desktop devices and content can be easily scheduled and tracked with tools like Hootsuite and SocialMention.
Twitter has many benefits and opportunities to increase engagement in campaigns and to be a tool to communicate with participants.
You may wish to do a search on your business name first with a tool like to see whether it is already being used before you launch into the Twitter world. If it is being used, you can create a modified Twitter name just for your company.
Log In to Twitter! And I will take you through the steps:
- Enter your name, email and password. Then select a username: This will be your company name or personal name that will brand you on Twitter.
- Create an engaging bio, rich with keywords (160 characters).
- Twitter will take you through the steps by inviting you to follow people and friends. Take the time now to create lists as you follow people/companies and add them immediately to a specific list – you can create your own system to help organize your Twitter friends.
- Make sure you load a correctly sized header image. You can create on or a similar post creator.
- Modify your settings, complete all of your information in your Profile, including contact info and links to website.
- Connect to your cell phone (Under Settings/Mobile) if you wish to keep on top of things.
- Learn the lingo: RT=Retweet MT=Modified Tweet @=a mention—Read the Twitter Glossary
Who should I be connecting with on Twitter?
Your goal should be to reach out to other successful industry personalities or companies (competition and collaborators). Make connections with people who will become your brand ambassadors, sharing your message and helping to celebrate your story.
Use #BusinessName or #ProductName to find specific industry connections. Connect with your clients and mention favourite companies and personalities at every opportunity.
To attract more followers, use social sharing buttons on your website, link to Twitter in email signatures, and encourage Twitter interaction for contests and at events.
Twitter Tips
- Follow back new followers, adding them to lists and sending a thank you
- Tweet 2 – 5+ times/day
- Use a link shortener ( to share content.
- Follow 5 – 10+ new accounts/day
- Thank anyone that RT’s and mentions you
- Respond back to @replies, questions and comments
- Share and RT other people’s content
- Best Days to Tweet: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and weekends
- Best Times to Tweet: 6am – 3pm; 6pm – 8pm
- Play off trending theme days (#FollowFriday or #FF)
- Participate in Twitter chats
- Search for company names and specific hashtags and engage in conversations
- Use hashtags in your tweets – and keep it brief!
- Run Twitter contests or promotions
What do I share on Twitter?
- Product information
- Latest company news
- Success stories about your company and others
- Client reviews and recommendations
- Blog posts about your industry
- Behind-the-scenes photos of your business
- Tips & Tricks
- Quotes from famous people (business oriented, or inspirational)
- News stories relating to your industry
- Retweet other companies’ relevant posts
Tracking Twitter Success
Using Twitter Analytics (, review your activity and you can get a clear view of what works and what doesn’t, becoming an expert in Twitter strategy for your company:
- Number of tweets
- Total # of followers
- # of new followers
- # of RT (retweets of content)
- # of @mentions
- Clicks on links
Use Twitter as a sort of Customer Service Desk, responding promptly to questions and comments. Even complaints, if handled correctly, can be the best form of marketing. And remember to have fun! Twitter is my favourite social media platform. I have met so many wonderful people and created incredible opportunities for myself through mastering this remarkable tool.
If you have a question about Twitter leave it in the comments below.