Module: Content Marketing
Content Marketing
Helping you avoid writer’s block and create valuable content.
Have you ever experienced writer’s block?
You need to post something on social media, send a newsletter, or write a blog and all you do is stare at a blank piece of paper.
Well, you are not alone. It happens to all of us from time to time. But this month we are going to tackle writer’s block in hopes it happens to you less and less.
In this module, we are diving into Content Marketing.
We will cover:
- The 5 fundamentals every piece of content you create should have.
- Why it’s a good idea to repurpose your content.
- How to plan, batch, and schedule your content.
- Additional tools, resources, and tips.
Module One
The 5 fundamentals that every piece of content you create should have.
Module Two
Repurpose, curate, collaborate and create content
Module Three
Identify your pillar and social content so you can plan, batch, and schedule.
Module Four
Tools, resources and tips for content creation
Have a question? Send an email to Katt.